
The importance of English courses for children: an investment in their future

The importance of English courses for children: opportunities, benefits and future prospects

In an increasingly globalized world, mastering the English language is key to unlocking opportunities and broadening horizons. For children, starting English lessons at an early age is not only an opportunity to learn an additional language, but also an investment in their future.

Why is it important for children to learn English?

Cognitive development: English courses for children not only promote language skills, but also cognitive development. Studies have shown that learning a second language stimulates the brain in many ways and improves cognitive skills.

Communication: In a globalized world, English is the language of international communication. Learning English opens up new opportunities for children to communicate with people from different cultures and to network globally.

Cultural understanding: English courses enable children to gain insights into different cultures and ways of life. Through contact with English-language media, literature and films, they develop a broader understanding of the diversity of our world.

Career prospects: Knowledge of English is essential in many professional fields today. A solid foundation in English during childhood lays the foundation for academic success and professional opportunities in the future.

How can English courses for children be organized?

Playful learning: The playful approach is particularly effective when it comes to getting children excited about learning English. English games, songs and stories make the learning process not only entertaining but also effective.

Interactive teaching methods: English courses for children should focus on interactive teaching methods that encourage active student engagement. Group activities, role plays and creative projects turn learning into an exciting adventure.

Motivation and support: Parents and teachers play a crucial role in motivating children to learn English. Praise, encouragement and a supportive learning environment are crucial for children to enjoy learning and reach their full potential.

The role of English courses for children in the school context

In many schools, English is taught as a compulsory subject from an early age. English courses offer pupils the opportunity to deepen their language skills and improve their communicative abilities. Curricula that are tailored to children's needs and take into account different learning methods help children to enjoy English lessons and stay motivated.

The importance of English courses for children with a migration background

English courses for children play a particularly important role for children with a migrant background. Learning English enables them to integrate better into their new environment and improve their educational opportunities. English courses can help to break down language barriers and give children a sense of belonging.

The importance of knowing English from an early age in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the importance of English language skills from an early age is becoming increasingly important. As a country with a multilingual population where English is increasingly used as a lingua franca, it is crucial that children are introduced to the English language at a young age.

International communication: Switzerland is an important player on the international stage, be it in terms of business, diplomacy or tourism. English is the most widely spoken language in the world and plays a crucial role in international communication. Children who learn English at an early age therefore have a clear advantage when it comes to moving in a global environment and interacting with people from different countries.

Educational opportunities: With increasing globalization and digitalization, English is also becoming increasingly important in education. Many textbooks, scientific articles and online resources are written in English. Children who learn English at an early age have easier access to these resources and can benefit from a broader educational spectrum.

Economic opportunities: In a globalized economy, English is often the language of commerce and business communication. Companies value employees with a good command of English as they are able to communicate effectively with international customers and partners. Children who learn English at an early age are therefore better prepared for the demands of the modern job market and have a better chance of professional success.

Tourism and culture: As a popular destination for tourists from all over the world, Switzerland offers a wide range of cultural and tourist attractions. English language skills are crucial for the tourism sector, as many visitors come from English-speaking countries. Children who learn English at an early age can communicate more easily with tourists and share their cultural heritage with a wider audience.

ILS-Junior's commitment to early language education for children

ILS-Junior is aware of the importance of early language training and therefore not only offers English courses for children, but also the opportunity to take part in the renowned telc English language tests at an early age. These tests enable children to obtain an official language certificate at a young age and document their English language skills in an internationally recognized way.

telc certificates for children: The telc certificates for children are recognized worldwide and offer a reliable way to test and certify language skills. By taking these tests at an early age, children can not only demonstrate their English language skills, but also boost their self-confidence and increase their motivation to learn languages.

Early preparation: ILS-Junior offers special preparation courses to prepare children specifically for the telc language tests. Practice-oriented exercises, interactive learning methods and competent teachers give children the tools they need to take the tests successfully and do their best.

Advantages of a telc certificate: A telc certificate for English offers children numerous advantages. It serves as official proof of their English language skills, which is recognized both nationally and internationally. This can have a positive impact on their school career, career prospects and personal development.

A strong foundation for the future: By offering English courses and telc language tests, ILS-Junior provides an important impetus for the early language education of children. By starting to learn English at a young age and having the opportunity to obtain an official language certificate, children lay a strong foundation for their future personal and professional development.


The importance of English courses for children and the opportunity to take part in prestigious language tests at an early age are crucial steps for the future of our children. Through ILS-Junior's commitment, children can not only improve their English language skills, but also gain official certificates that document their abilities and broaden their career prospects. Would you like to find out more about our English courses and telc language tests for children? Visit our website and discover the many opportunities we offer to support your children's language development.