Opening hours

Mon-Thu 08.30 - 19.15
Fri 08.30 - 18.00
Sat 08.30 - 13.00
Sun Closed

Telc-Junior: Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

In addition to the exams and regular courses, ILS-Bern also offers preparation courses for telc Junior exams. These cover the most important aspects that you need to consider during the exam.

On our website you will find all exam dates for ILS-Bern and the other locations. On our website for telc exams you will find a table with registration/deregistration deadline and late registration deadline (+30CHF for late processing fees).

Here you will find the next exam dates:

Please note that we cannot accept Registration after 15 days before the exam, as this is required by telc. On our website you will also find the number of places that are still available.

Here you will find the next exam dates:

Like the regular A1 exam, the telc-Junior exam costs 190.
Yes, exams can be repeated as often as you wish. However, the A1 Junior exam can only be repeated in its entirety and not just in the oral or written sections.
Depending on the number of exams written and the tasks to be completed, it can take between 6 and 8 weeks before you receive your results. Upon receipt, ILS-Bern will send you the certificate or results sheet by A Mail to your home address.
At ILS-Bern , both parts of the exam take place on the same day and you start with the written exam.
ILS-Bern offers barrier-free examinations. You must register with us at Register at least 30 days before the exam date and send a signed medical certificate to Registration . If you are unsure about what the medical certificate must contain in order for telc and us to agree to a barrier-free examination, please contact us by e-mail.

No, you don't have to. However, a language course can help you prepare for the exam. In addition to the normal language courses, ILS-Bern also offers telc preparation courses, which optimally prepare you for the language exam and thus increase your existing chances.

Further information on the telc preparation courses can be found here:

No, reference books, cell phones as well as personal notes and teaching aids are not allowed.
You may only take a pencil with rubber and sharpener into the test. Drinks in transparent bottles are permitted. We will provide you with writing materials and a water bottle.
If you do not adhere to the examination regulations of telc and ILS-Bern .

These include:

  • Appearing late for the exam
  • Speaking during the exam
  • Any kind of deception
  • Taking unauthorized items into the examination.
  • Copy or record the exam
You must be able to present a medical certificate for the examination day by the time of the examination, which we will send to telc in order to officially deregister you from the examination.

The ILS-Bern has no possibility to change the examination result. You must contact telc gGmbH in Frankfurt directly.

You can find the contact form here:

Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can look into the situation with telc gGmbH.

Prices telc exams English:

Level Prices
A2* oral & written CHF 190.-
B1 oral & written CHF 290.-
B1 oral CHF 220.-
B1 written CHF 220.-

*only possible orally & in writing together

telc preparation courses:

Discover the tailor-made Telc preparation course from ILS for children at level A1, A2, B1 in group lessons or private lessons. Our specially designed course offers the ideal preparation for the Telc Junior A1, A2, B1 school exam.

Structure and procedure of the exam:

The examination consists of a written and an oral part.

Pupils solve tasks in all skills. The receptive part consists of reading, listening and language modules. Task types include multiple choice or matching. In the productive part, writing and speaking, the participants deal with an input and have to express themselves in writing or orally. In the oral exam, the focus is on the direct exchange between the test takers. Topics and vocabulary are geared towards the interests of schoolchildren.

Telc French A2 School:

  • Learners at language level A2 can understand frequently used expressions.
  • You can communicate in simple, routine situations that require a simple and direct exchange of information.
  • They can describe their background and education as well as things related to immediate needs.

Telc exam A2 written: 80 min. consists of listening (20 min.), reading and writing (60 min.) 

Telc exam A2 oral: 10 min. (preparation time 15 min.)

This exam is available as a hybrid and paper-based exam. It can NOT be taken as a partial exam.

Telc French B1 School:

  • Learners at language level B1 can communicate orally and in writing in a simple and coherent way in everyday life and at work, when traveling and in their own field of interest.
  • They can take part in conversations about family, hobbies, work and current events, report on experiences, describe goals and justify opinions.
  • You can use grammar and language correctly in general and understand simple texts on familiar topics.

Telc exam B1 written: consists of listening (30 min.), reading and writing (120 min.)

Telc exam B1 oral: 15 min. (preparation time 20 min.) 

This exam is available as a hybrid and paper-based exam. It can be taken as a partial exam.