Opening hours

Mon-Thu 08.30 - 19.00
Fri 08.30 - 18.00
Sat 08.30 - 13.00

Telc French School A2, B1 for Kids and Teens

Description & Destination:

Welcome to our Telc Junior A2, B1 School French exams for children. Would you like to prove your child's French language skills with an internationally recognized certificate? Then the Telc Certificate French exam is exactly the right choice.

Why Telc? The Telc French certificates are recognized throughout Europe by employers, migration offices, universities and schools. They serve as a professional proof of proficiency and open doors to numerous educational and career opportunities for your children.


Invest in your child's future and give them access to internationally recognized language skills through the Telc Junior A2, B1 School French exam. Contact us today to find out more about exam preparation and set your child on the path to a successful language certificate.

Register for telc exam:

The number of places on the exams is limited. Please register early using the registration form or directly with us on site.

The respective registration deadline can be found in the table "Examination dates & registration deadlines".

You can register up to 16 days before the exam Register. However, there is a late registration fee of CHF 30.

Deregistration telc exam:

Deregistration before the end of the registration and deregistration period is free of charge. If you deregister after this deadline, the examination costs will be charged in full.

Prices telc exams English:

Level Prices
A2* oral & written CHF 190.-
B1 oral & written CHF 290.-
B1 oral CHF 220.-
B1 written CHF 220.-

*only possible orally & in writing together

telc Schule A2,B1 French exam dates and registration deadlines

Examination dates Registration and deregistration period Late registration deadline (for a fee) Free places
14.08.2024 15.07.2024 29.07.2024 12
11.09.2024 12.08.2024 26.08.2024 12
09.10.2024 09.09.2024 23.09.2024 12
13.11.2024 14.10.2024 28.10.2024 12
04.12.2024 04.11.2024 18.11.2024 12


telc preparation courses:

Discover ILS's tailor-made Telc preparation course for children at level A2, B1 in group lessons or private lessons. Our specially designed course offers the ideal preparation for the Telc Junior A2, B1 school exam.

Structure and procedure of the exam:

The examination consists of a written and an oral part.

Pupils solve tasks in all skills. The receptive part consists of reading, listening and language modules. Task types include multiple choice or matching. In the productive part, writing and speaking, the participants deal with an input and have to express themselves in writing or orally. In the oral exam, the focus is on the direct exchange between the test takers. Topics and vocabulary are geared towards the interests of schoolchildren.

Telc French A2 School:

  • Learners at language level A2 can understand frequently used expressions.
  • You can communicate in simple, routine situations that require a simple and direct exchange of information.
  • They can describe their background and education as well as things related to immediate needs.

Telc exam A2 written: 80 min. consists of listening (20 min.), reading and writing (60 min.)

Telc exam A2 oral: 10 min. (preparation time 15 min.)

This exam is available as a hybrid and paper-based exam. It can NOT be taken as a partial exam.

Telc French B1 School:

  • Learners at language level B1 can communicate orally and in writing in a simple and coherent way in everyday life and at work, when traveling and in their own field of interest.
  • They can take part in conversations about family, hobbies, work and current events, report on experiences, describe goals and justify opinions.
  • You can use grammar and language correctly in general and understand simple texts on familiar topics.

Telc exam B1 written: consists of listening (30 min.), reading and writing (120 min.)

Telc exam B1 oral: 15 min. (preparation time 20 min.)

This exam is available as a hybrid and paper-based exam. It can be taken as a partial exam.